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Hello Themify Support..

Add or duplicate anything to this page and eventually you will not be able to Save and the page will return an “undefined”.

Remove the item and you can Save. It doesn’t seem to matter what you add.

Also – cannot Save any Themify settings.

Thanks – Terry

Hello Themify Support..

Add or duplicate anything to this page and eventually you will not be able to Save and the page will return an “undefined”.

Remove the item and you can Save. It doesn’t seem to matter what you add.

Also – cannot Save any Themify settings.

Thanks – Terry

Hello Themify Support..

Add or duplicate anything to this page and eventually you will not be able to Save and the page will return an “undefined”.

Remove the item and you can Save. It doesn’t seem to matter what you add.

Also – cannot Save any Themify settings.

Thanks – Terry




Sharon Kay Photography
Vancouver, B.C.
Themify Test Page